This page contains all known information about the Viking model M-34 gas mask.

The history of Vikings model M-34
Viking rubber factorys M-34 was the second mask to be produced. It had some similarities to the previous M-30 mask, but it had been improved in several ways. After the initial production of the M-30 mask, it was soon realized that there was a need for an improved mask. One of the reasons was most likely that the M-30 was lacking an outlet valve, which made it alot more difficult to use.

Viking Rubber Factory - Model M-34
The M-34 was made with a different inlet valve that moved the filter further away and down from the users face. The M-34 was also equipped with an outlet valve which made it alot easier to breathe through. The mask was issued with a simple fabric carrier.

The Norwegian Civil Airdefence
The Norwegian Civil airdefence used several different models from Viking throughout the years, though they were never seen using the M-30. This was probably due to the fact that the Norwegian civil airdefence wasn't established until 1936, and by that time the M-30 had be mostly replaced by the M-34.
